Roof replacements are complex projects that require patience, skill, and hard work. While the desired outcome for every homeowner is a complete roof replacement with no issues, that doesn't always happen.
Roof errors are common, and while they can usually be prevented or avoided altogether, mistakes and issues can arise. We know the idea of your new roof already having problems is stressful and something you'd instead not think about, but it's better to be aware and prepared than be in the dark. As a homeowner, knowing what's happening with your roof can save you time, a massive headache, and hard-earned money.
Here at RoofCrafters, we've repaired and installed roofs over homes damaged by human error for thirty years. Hey, no one is perfect, but we know you'd rather stay vigilant when it comes to your roof replacement than have no idea if a problem exists. So, what are some of the most common errors that occur on residential roofing projects?
This article discusses the top five of them, so if you ever run into one of these issues, you know what they are and what to expect from them at the *very* least. We're ready to begin! Are you?
Improper Attic Ventilation
Many homeowners think their attics are nothing more than little, creepy spaces that house cobwebs and bats. A healthy attic is essential for your home's health, though. Poor attic ventilation can create disastrous issues for the rest of your home, like:
- Ice Damming
- Mold and Mildew
- Temperature Fluctuations
- Deterioration
Ice Damming
Improper attic ventilation is a huge no-no for any home that has one. Ice damming is an issue, especially in places that receive heavy winter weather conditions. Ice dams are pieces of ice that gather on the roof's edge during winter. As your home heats, snow melts and drips off the roof, forming ice dams. This process can repeat itself throughout the season, creating a considerable buildup of ice that will damage your roof.
Mold and Mildew
Just like mold and mildew can grow on the inside of jars and in poorly ventilated rooms of your home, the same thing can happen in your attic. The scent of growing mold is a familiar smell to almost anyone, and it's a sign that you age a problem that needs addressing. Mold and mildew slowly degrade the home, causing irreversible damage over time.
Temperature Fluctuations
Attics aren't climate-controlled, and they tend to warm up during the summer because they're at the top of the home. A poorly ventilated attic traps heat, potentially warming up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit in some climates (Floridians, this is definitely you.) Extreme heat is brutal on roofing materials and can cause severe damage.
Installing Over Bad Plywood
Roof leaks aren't always visible; some actually seep into your roof, causing plywood damage. Rotten wood isn't uncommon and is relatively easy to remove, but that doesn't always happen. If a new roof installation happens over rotten, weak, and soft wood, it will create issues for your new roof and, eventually, the rest of your home.
Installation Errors
Even though they're inconvenient, errors during installation can cause other issues if they aren't taken care of.
- Nail Placed too Low/High
- Improper Flashing
- Shingle Misalignment
Nail Placement
Improperly located nails are prominent- any eye can spot them easily. Because they're such a visible defect, roofers can see and fix them immediately. However, if they aren't fixed, the exposed nail will lead to a leak. It could take years for a leak to show, but they do happen over time if your roofer isn't careful with nail placement.
Flashing Issues
If your roofer isn't an experienced professional, they may not deliver proper flashing to your roof. This can have incredible disadvantages down the line. Improper flashing leads to unsealed areas that harbor moisture. Misery loves company, so guess who moistures' best friends are? Mold and mildew. These two slowly deteriorate the home, causing a stack of issues if they aren't fixed immediately.
Misaligned Shingles
Improper shingle alignment affects several elements of your roof - most visibly - aesthetics. You can see a shingle that's out of place, throwing the look of the rest of the roof off. A shingle not in its correct place will also hurt the wind performance and overall strength of your roof.
Not Replacing Old Accessories
Neglecting any part of your roof can pose consequences. If you replace one element of your roof and leave another that should've been replaced, you could have further issues in the future. Just like you need to switch out a new pair of shoes occasionally, you have to do the same thing for specific roofing materials, like:
- Pipe Boots
- Metal Pipe Flashings
- Underlayments
Not replacing essential (but easily looked-over) roof components leads to deterioration, debris buildup, leaks, and more.
Misuse of Materials
Believe it or not, the little details matter when it comes to your roof. While it may seem like a way to save a few bucks or time by using one material instead of another, it could backfire. Some materials outperform others, like hip and ridge shingles, over three-tab. Actual hip and ridge shingles have a high impact rating and are actually meant for what they're used for. Three-tab shingles aren't meant for bending. Though using them could save you some change, you're actually hurting yourself more in the grand scheme of things.
The same goes for other materials like caulk or sealant. Using the standard versions of these essential components isn't acceptable for roof flashings, and UV rays quickly break them down, causing further issues. Many roofers will tell you that most flat roof leaks start at the flashing, so while the more minor elements may not seem so special, they're essential for the roofing system.
Improper use or installation of even the tiniest parts of the system can throw the entire roof off balance, meaning more money out of your pockets and less happiness for your home. If you're considering making a roof repair yourself, please think twice. If you plan to wing it and hope for the best, that can cause issues for your and your home's safety.
Is My Roof Affected by A Common Error?
Unfortunately, it could be. Hold on, though! No need to fear or feel that sense of dread in the pit of your stomach. There are dedicated professionals that will walk you through finding a solution every step of the way.
At RoofCrafters, we know that your home is a sacred place for you and your family. Only the best should take on your roofing project, no matter how big or small. Head over to our learning center to find more resources on roof damages and other potential issues you could run into. Or if you're just into reading- that's your place, too!
Feel free to take a peek at our comprehensive roofer checklist to ensure you know what to look for in a contractor in the meantime. If you're ready to get in touch with one of our friendly representatives, head over to our contact page.
My name is Kevin Mills, and I am the lead estimator for RoofCrafters’ Tampa division. I’m originally from Michigan, and I enjoy hunting, fishing, and spending any free time outdoors. What I’m most passionate about, though, is helping business owners and homeowners alike achieve their roofing goals, all while providing a seamless customer journey.