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Virtual Estimate

Benefits of Virtual Roof Replacement Estimates: What You Need to Know

June , 2023 | 11 min. read

By Nicole Corson

A young family of four standing in front of a cartoon home drawn on a backdrop, image of flowers, clouds, and the sun too.

As we all know, most home repairs can be a big investment. And a roof replacement is one of the most important home improvement projects we'll get to do as homeowners. 

Just getting estimates for the best solution can be overwhelming. 

We understand the frustrations with our industry's outdated estimation process. 

That's why we're here to introduce the concept of virtual roof estimates. Our family at RoofCrafters has been providing roof replacements for 30 years. What we've learned...your roof, my roof, or your neighbors' roof may look a little different in size and shape. But we promise the process of replacing roofs is the same. That's why we have created a solution that'll save us both time and money.

In this article, we'll provide you with all the ins and outs of how virtual estimation works. By the end, you'll have all the information you need and hopefully, it'll help you make a well-informed decision about your roof replacement. Without feeling pressured or overwhelmed. Or having to haggle with a salesperson.

Let's get started.

How Virtual Roof Estimates Work


Are you curious about how virtual roof estimates work?

In this section, we'll provide a step-by-step explanation of the process. We know that having a clear understanding of how things work can provide a sense of control and reduce anxiety.

The first step is simple. All you have to do is click on the Get My Virtual Estimate button at the end of the article to get your roof replacement journey started. 

someone using a computer looking at Roofcrafters top 10 roof replacement checklist

Next step, you'll provide some simple information.  Contact information, address, and the type of roof that's on the house now. You be asked a few questions about the type of roof you want. Your payment method(cash, check, credit card), or do you want to finance? As well as your preferred method of communication. (text, email, phone) easy peasy!

cartoon drawing of a home showing factors that go into cost of a roof

After you provide your information, our estimating team will use satellite technology to generate a report. We'll then use the measurements from the report to create the quote for your roof replacement cost. This process is very accurate. We take into account all the unique factors of your roof. Your estimate will be custom to your specific desires.

roof report generated from a satellite image

Finally, we will email or text you the estimate. It will come in a video format that you can view on any device. You'll have the time to review and compare our estimate with estimates from other companies. With a virtual estimate, you have the power to make an informed decision without feeling pressured or rushed.

dark gray shingle replacement before and after pictures

We hope this step-by-step explanation has provided the clarity you need to understand the process. Knowing exactly what to expect for your roof replacement can help ease any anxieties you may have about your upcoming project.

Comparing Virtual Estimates to Traditional Methods


When it comes to getting a roof estimate, there are two methods: traditional in-person and virtual. 

In-person estimates involve scheduling an appointment with a professional to come to your home and inspect your roof. Then they'll ask you a series of discovery questions. Next, they'll create an estimate and go over it with you face-to-face. This typically takes somewhere between 2 and 3 hours from start to finish.

roof inspection in progress

Virtual estimates allow you to get an estimate without meeting anyone in person at your home. You don't have to worry about scheduling an appointment, taking time off work, or having a salesperson come to your home. Instead, you get an accurate estimate to review in the comfort of your own home.


One potential downside of virtual estimates is that you won't get in-person social interaction. But we do live video calls to review the quote with you before scheduling the work.

Ultimately, the decision between virtual and in-person estimates depends on your individual preferences. Virtual estimates are ideal for busy homeowners who value convenience and safety. While in-person estimates may be better for those who want a more hands-on approach.

Frequently Asked Questions About Virtual Roof Estimates


insightful lightbulb drawn on a post-it note pinned to a corkboard

As you consider using virtual roof estimates, it's normal to have questions or concerns. Here are some common questions and our answers:

  1. Are virtual estimates as accurate as in-person estimates? Yes, virtual estimates can be just as accurate. If not, more accurate than in-person estimates. Using advanced technology, such as satellite imagery allows for a comprehensive view of your roof.

  2. How do I know if a virtual estimate provider is reliable? Research the roofer's reputation, experience, and reviews from previous customers. 

  3. Will I need to provide any personal information for a virtual estimate? You will need to provide your name, address, and contact information, but we promise we will NOT spam you or sell your information.

  4. How long does it take to get a virtual estimate? The length of time can vary. But generally, we will deliver the virtual estimate the same day or the day after you submit your information depending on the day and time you submit your information.

  5. Can I still get an in-person estimate if I choose a virtual estimate provider? Yes, we also offer in-person estimates as an option. But, it's important to weigh the benefits of each method and choose the one that is right for you.

By addressing some common questions and concerns, we hope to provide you with the reassurance and trust you need to make an informed decision.

Image call to action, read the homeowners guide to roof replacement

The Role of Technology in Virtual Roof Estimates


In today's world, technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. Innovative technologies such as satellite imagery help us generate accurate and detailed estimates. Without the need to get on your roof. Using technology, we're able to offer an efficient alternative to traditional in-person estimates.

Using satellite imagery we're able to provide a detailed view of the roof and get exact measurements. Allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of the roofing materials we'll need to complete the project.


By embracing technology, we can offer our clients a more convenient and accurate experience. This also addresses the need for reducing overhead expenses. By innovating and progressing, clients get the same quality roof at a lower price with less of their time invested.

Evaluating Your Virtual Roof Estimate


When the time comes to review your virtual roof estimate. It's important to understand how to compare estimates from different companies. This can help you make a better-informed decision and feel empowered in the process. 

Here are some tips for interpreting and comparing virtual roof estimates:

  1. Look at the details: Make sure each estimate includes the same level of detail, such as materials, labor, and permits. This will help you make an apples-to-apples comparison.
  2. Check the warranty: Look for differences in warranties and guarantees between different estimates. This can affect the long-term value of your investment.
  3. Consider the timeline: Ask each company for an estimated timeline for the completion of the project. This can help you plan and make a decision that fits your needs.
  4. Compare prices: Price shouldn't be the only factor. It is important to compare prices and make sure you're getting a fair deal. Keep in mind that the lowest price may not always be the best value.

By following these tips, you can compare your roof estimates with confidence and feel empowered in making a decision that's right for you. Also, feel free to use our pricing calculator to get a rough idea of the cost of your roof replacement. It's a free tool to use to help you get a budget. 

Image call to action, use the pricing calculator to estimate the cost of your roof replacement

Preparing for Your Virtual Roof Estimate


Preparing for a virtual roof estimate can help streamline the process and ensure you receive an accurate quote. Before requesting an estimate, make sure to gather the following information:

Here are 3 tips to be best prepared: 

  1. Have your information ready

  2. Know the type of roofing material you want

  3. Decide if you’ll want to finance or pay out of pocket

Information You’ll Need Ready


To move forward with ordering a satellite report for your property will need the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • The address of the property
  • Cell phone number
  • Email address
  • Your preferred method of contact

What Type of New Roofing Material Do You Want?


image showing the 4 most common roofing material options, asphalt shingles, tile, metal, wood, slate

The most popular roofing material installed on homes is asphalt shingles. There are 4 styles of shingles to choose from. Architectural shingles are the most popular of the 4 styles. But the other options are: 3-Tab, Architectural, Upgraded Architectural, or Designer shingles.

If you’re not sure what style of shingle is right for you? Check out:

All About Asphalt Shingles

(If you know you're going with shingles, but are not sure of the exact style, no worries, we’ll be able to provide you with options after we order your roof report.)

But if you know you don’t want asphalt shingles and you haven’t chosen the type of materials. We'd recommend you check out:

Most Popular Roof Materials of 2023 

Know How You Plan to Pay For Your Roof Replacement


paper money house

A roof replacement is a large investment, so decide if you’ll want to finance it or if you're going to pay out of pocket. Like most large purchases,(houses, cars, pools, furniture, etc) financing may be the right option. 

There are some fees associated with financing a roof replacement. So, we’ll need to know if you’d like to finance your new roof before we provide you with the virtual estimate. 

If you know you want to finance you can speed the process up and go ahead and get pre-qualified here:

Image call to action, get financing for your roof replacement

Once you have these items you’re ready to get your virtual estimate.

Next Step: Proceeding with a Virtual Roof Estimate


As you've learned throughout this article, virtual roof estimates offer many benefits. Including convenience, accuracy, and safety. By now, you should have a good understanding of how the process works. How it compares to traditional methods, and what to expect from a virtual roof replacement estimate.

As you weigh your options for getting a new roof, we encourage you to consider the advantages of a virtual estimate. Take the time to gather the necessary information and prepare to receive your quote.

Our team at RoofCrafters is confident that you'll be happy with the process and enjoy our 30 years of proven roof replacement results. Ready to proceed? just one more step, click the button below. 

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Nicole Corson

At RoofCrafters, our mission is to provide job opportunities for others to thrive and grow while making a meaningful impact within our communities.