If you're looking for new shingles that'll blow your last ones out of the water, look no further! Most homeowners take pride in their homes- and having them stand out is like wearing a badge of honor saying, "I made it! My home is officially gorgeous." The thing is, there's a process that goes along with finding a new roof, and it can be a little overwhelming. First step- RESEARCH. Not to worry, though; we're here to show you two options that you may adore.
RoofCrafters has repaired and replaced old, battered roofing systems for nearly thirty years. In our time giving homeowners the roofs they've always wanted, we've noticed some brands are better than others, with GAF and Owens Corning being among the top contenders. But where do you begin?! Let's start with two- GAF Timberline HDZ and Owens Corning Oakridge.
In this article, we'll explore two comparable shingle options that have unique attributes, making them stand out among others. Our goal is to help you narrow your search by the time you finish reading. Your new roof is so close! Can you see it? Let's start!
What You Should Know About the GAF Timberline HDZ Shingle
GAF is one of the top shingle brands, providing quality and warranties that other shingles don't always measure up to. With anything, however, there are a few downsides. In this case, the cons of the GAF Timberline HDZ shingles are:
- They have limited color options. Timberline HDZ shingles don't have that "wow" factor some homeowners seek out.
- You'll need to hire a GAF Master Elite Contractor to get the best warranty. While this isn't a con for everyone, it can be for some.
See color options based on your location here.
Now that we have the drawbacks covered, it's time to get into what sets GAF Timberline HDZ shingles apart. The notable benefits of this shingle type are:
- Infinite wind speed coverage
- 25-year StainGuard plus algae protection
- LayerLock Technology with Duragrip adhesive
What does this all mean? Let's do a quick examination!
GAF Windproven Infinite Wind Speed Protection
The GAF HDZ shingle is the only architectural shingle on the market that comes with an unlimited wind speed warranty! This means for your first 15 years, GAF provides you with an industry-leading 15 years of infinite wind speed protection.
25-Year StainGuard Plus Algae Protection
No one likes algae. GAF's 25-year StainGuard Plus technology was designed to eliminate it, along with awful black streaks. But how? GAF puts copper and zinc in a time-released capsule. Copper and zinc keep the algae from growing or attaching the shingle granules. Fancy, huh?
GAF's LayerLock Technology and Dura Grip Sealant
LayerLock technology mechanically fuses the common bond between the overlapping shingle layers. What does that mean? Better accuracy when installing them. The installation of the shingles is the most essential part of any shingle, and it's no secret that installation error is the number one cause of roof failure. GAF wanted to help reduce this by investing in creating new technology- and it worked out in their favor.
Owens Corning Oakridge Shingle: Does it Compare?
In 1935, the Owens Corning Fiberglass Company was established as a result of the merger between Owens-Illinois and Corning Glass Works. Owens Corning is an American corporation known for manufacturing a range of products, including roofing materials, insulation, and composites.
There are a few notable attributes that make Owen's Corning Oakridge shingles stand out, including:
- Traditional Aesthetic: The Oakridge shingle offers a classic look for residential roofs, which always stay in style. Though some may consider it "basic," it's still a great choice overall.
- Limited Lifetime Warranty: Owens Corning provides a limited lifetime warranty for this shingle, ensuring the product's durability and performance.
- Color Options: The Oakridge shingle comes in a variety of color options, allowing homeowners to choose the one that best suits their preferences and complements their home's style. View colors here.
The Scoop on Warranties
Owens Corning Oakridge shingles are purchased directly from local roofing supply companies or hardware stores. There are two options for installation: either you install the shingles yourself or hire a professional roofing contractor to handle the installation for you. In either case, when the shingles are installed, you will receive Owens Corning's standard product limited warranty for their roofing materials.
Oakridge shingle warranties include the following:
- A lifetime warranty (10 years non-prorated). However, using a Preferred or Platinum-approved contractor could increase it to 50 years non-prorated.
- 10-year StreakGuard algae-resistant warranty, prorated after one year.
- 15-year 110 mph wind warranty. The warranty can be upgraded to 130 mph. Special installation methods and an Owens Corning starter and hip and ridge are needed.
It's essential to note that both GAF and Owens Corning are reputable manufacturers, and each brand may have specific features you prefer over the other. To make an informed decision, research the latest product information, consult with a skilled roofer, and compare the attributes, warranties, and performance ratings of the two shingle brands. If one stands out to you more, you may have found the one for you! Exciting, huh?
Which Shingle Brand Suits Me Best?
You made it! Does anything stick out to you? If so, it may be time to get in touch with a professional roofer that can help you begin your roof replacement journey. We know it can surely be a lot to handle, but we also know that every little step is worth having the roof of your dreams. It helps that both GAF and Owens Corning are great brands to work with, too.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding your roof or a potential new one, RoofCrafters is ready to give you a hand. If you live in one of our service areas, help is just a phone call away. When you're ready, visit our contact page to connect with one of our caring representatives. We're here to make your life a little bit easier!
My name is Kevin Mills, and I am the lead estimator for RoofCrafters’ Tampa division. I’m originally from Michigan, and I enjoy hunting, fishing, and spending any free time outdoors. What I’m most passionate about, though, is helping business owners and homeowners alike achieve their roofing goals, all while providing a seamless customer journey.