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Roof Replacement

Is It Time for a Roof Replacement in Brunswick, Georgia?

August , 2023 | 9 min. read

By Joe Martinez

roof replacement in progress with RoofCrafters trucks in driveway

Have you ever wondered about all the roofs you see while exploring Brunswick, Georgia? There are about 75 million houses in the U.S., and each year 7% of them need a new roof. That’s about 5 million roofs! While this might sound like a lot, it’s pretty standard.

Consider this. Your roof battles storms, wind, heat, and the sun all the time. It's like standing in a Brunswick hurricane without a raincoat or facing a heatwave with no sunscreen. Over time, even the toughest roof wears down.

rusted flashing at a brick chimney coming through a metal roof

Despite regular check-ups and upkeep, all roofs need repair or replacement at some point. At RoofCrafters, we're experts at fixing damaged roofs and setting up to install new ones. We've had our toolbelts on for 3 decades so when know when the time has come.

But when is it time to replace your Brunswick roof? It depends on a few things. The age of your roof, how often it needs repair, the kind of damage it has, and how bad that damage is all matter. It's also important to know if your roof was put on right, to begin with. Let’s dive into these details and see if it's time for a new roof.

Roof Age Matters in Brunswick, Georgia


Like us humans, roofs in Brunswick, Georgia, don't live forever. They have an expiry date. While some roofing materials are more durable and last longer than others, they all will need replacement.

A major sign it's time for a new roof is its age. Even if your roof still looks good, you should consider replacing it as it nears its expected lifespan. After all, looks can be tricky.

Roof leak causing interior insulation and sheetrock damage

In general, when your roof hits the 15-20 year mark, it's time to think about a total roof replacement. This applies even to roofs with asphalt shingles, common in the Golden Isles area. You see, insurance companies often limit coverage for roofs older than 15-20 years. Replacing your roof on time can save your home and your wallet a lot of trouble. So, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your roof's age.

Constant Roof Repairs in Brunswick? Time for a Check!


roofer rep[airing a roof

Even the best roofs in Brunswick have a retirement date. If you're finding yourself fixing leaks more often than usual, it's a sign that your roof may have deeper issues. This could even mean your roof was not installed right to begin with. Don't worry, though. We suggest calling a trusted roofing contractor for a check-up.

RoofCrafters truck in the driveway of a metal roof replacement project

Sometimes, all your roof needs is a repair, not a complete replacement. If that's the case, your preferred contractor will guide you through the next steps. Regular checks and timely repairs can save you both time and money. Think of it as giving your roof a little TLC. Something we all need! If you've been caught off guard, you may want to consider financing your repair.

Image call to action, take the repair or replace quiz

Understanding the Kind of Roof Damage in Brunswick


Roof damage signs can appear inside your Golden Isle home or hide in the attic beneath the wood decking. If you notice your ceiling sagging, sporting a new color, or the paint peeling off, you might have a roof leak. In this case, replacing the entire roof might be the best move.

roofer tearing off a roof with rotten plywood decking

Visible signs like your asphalt shingles shedding granules excessively can also hint at a significant loss of roof life. To keep roof leaks from harming your cozy Brunswick interior, it's wise to think about a total roof replacement. With a roof being a long-term investment we'd recommend considering an upgraded material versus a cheap material.

roofer repairing a 3-tab shingle roof

Even a few cracks on your roof can invite moisture, debris, and unwanted critters into your home, leading to potential costly fixes. If your roof is showing cracks, missing granules, or has shingles curling up, it's time to call a roofing contractor right away. Don't wait until you find a squirrel in your cereal box!

Avoiding the Pitfall of Poor Roof Installation in Brunswick


poor installation on a new roof, tarps on the chimney and roof

While some uninsured contractors in the Golden Isles might lure you with low prices and no warranties. Cutting corners on your roof installation can cost you dearly down the line. It's essential to remember that the expertise and skills of the contractor often dictate the cost of the roofing job. A cheap quote usually translates into cheap work.

tile roof with text over inspection day fail

Choosing a low-cost contractor might seem like a win for your wallet in the short term. But it could leave you facing hefty roof repairs and maintenance bills later. And let's not forget: insurance doesn't cover bad roof installs. Without a warranty from your contractor, you're likely to be reaching into your pocket for unplanned repairs. You don't want to be caught in the Brunswick rain without a proper roof over your head!

image call to action, download the top 10 checklist

Assessing the Size of Roof Damage in Brunswick


Even the newest roofs in Brunswick aren't immune to the havoc that Mother Nature can wreak. Strong winds, torrential rains, hailstorms, and falling tree branches can wreak havoc on your roof. In the wake of any severe weather event, it's important to call in a trustworthy roofing contractor to assess the damage.

rooftop shot of missing shingles and Jacksonville RoofCrafters truck

Small damages, like a handful of shingles blown off by strong winds, can be taken care of with a simple repair. But, if your roof has suffered more extensive damage, a full roof replacement might be necessary. Attempting to patch up widespread damage without replacing the entire roof can lead to a weakened system. You'll have a greater risk of issues popping up down the road. You wouldn't want to risk the lovely Brunswick weather finding its way into your living room, would you?

Sticking to Your Roof Maintenance Routine in Brunswick


roofer checking the flashing on a wall

At least, calling in a professional roofer for an annual inspection of your Brunswick roof should be on your calendar. Staying on top of your maintenance schedule and addressing any needed repairs is important. Just as your roof has got you covered, you need to do the same for it. Neglecting this can result in pricey repairs or, if the damage is severe, even a complete roof replacement.

Here are a couple of things to think about:

1. When was the last time you had a roof checkup?

Aim to have a roofing contractor inspect your roof once a year to catch any issues and handle them fast. It's also a good idea to carry out visual checks yourself between professional inspections. Keep an eye out for any significant impact damage or signs of mold growth to nip potential problems in the bud.

red arrows pointing at leaf debris in valleys on a roof of a home

2. How often do you clean your roof?

Roofs can be a magnet for debris, and this buildup can cause a whole host of issues. It creates a water trap, and it also adds extra weight to your roof, which could lead to leaks. Overlooking your gutters could spell disaster for your roof, so make sure they get regular cleaning to remove any trapped debris. This simple step can prevent blockages, enabling your gutters to drain instead of water pooling and backing up onto your roof. And trust me, a gutter full of leaves is nobody's idea of Brunswick's Golden Isles!

Image call to action, schedule residential roof maintenance

Is It Roof Replacement O'Clock in Brunswick, Georgia?


Every roof, no matter its type or how well it's cared for, eventually falls foul to the passage of time and Mother Nature's whims. It's a fact of home ownership that you'll have to ring up a roofing company for repairs at some stage. But, when you spot any signs of damage, it's crucial to invest in timely roof repairs or even a complete replacement. Ignoring the issue will only lead to heftier repair bills down the line.

But, let's clear up one thing: scrimping on a budget contractor or embarking on DIY repairs are not the ways to go. These options may be dangerous, not only for your home but also for your family's safety. Always go for a trustworthy, seasoned roofer known for delivering top-notch results. You wouldn't trust your health to a questionable doctor, so why do it with your roof?

So, if you're in a quandary about whether it's time for a new roof, or you're certain that a repair job is long overdue, RoofCrafters is on hand to assist. Put our 30 years of experience work for you. We'll drop by and help you figure out whether you're due for a full roof makeover or a few minor fixes.

image call to action, schedule an inspection

If you're intrigued and want to dive deeper into learning about roofing. RoofCrafters provides a wealth of information in our learning center. We'd suggest starting with "How Much Does a New Roof Cost" to give you a ballpark figure of your potential investment. Hope this guide steers you in the right direction in your Brunswick roofing journey!

Joe Martinez

At RoofCrafters, our mission is to provide job opportunities for others to thrive and grow while making a meaningful impact within our communities.